Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pulling the trigger

Every story one ever reads will possess identical elements. Those elements of course are plot, setting, character, conflict, point of view, and theme.

I am sure that over time this story will encompass all of the aforementioned elements.

I am sure that at various times I will be your hero, your villain, and/or your omnipotent story teller. One may agree or disagree with my words. I encourage discourse. I have simple rules. Keep your comments entertaining, educational, and above all professional.

I pulled the trigger today. I pressed enter on my computer and accepted the invitation to join the 2009 New York City Teaching Fellows Program. Admittedly, I was accepted on 10 April and have taken the past weeks to complete a full self assessment. The end result being that I am a public servant and educator.

I have been involved in the legal world for several years. I have never been so successful financially. I have never been so respected by my peers. I have never been so miserable. Tomorrow I will tender my resignation and on May 1st I will walk away from the world I know and prepare to enter into the world I desire.

Am I scared in some ways? You bet your sweet bippy! I am reminded of something I often told my soldiers prior to leaving the wire on missions in Iraq.

"Gents, it is OK to be scared...Just do not be afraid"

The above meaning that scary situations will always present themselves and you will react with action. When you possess fear or are truly afraid (in a given situation), you will react with inaction. Inaction is as deadly on the battlefield as it is in the classroom. I believe that inaction not only creates dead soldiers but, can also lead to dead futures for the students I am soon to educate.

Like leading soldiers in ground combat, leading a classroom is an awesome responsibility and honor NEVER to be taken lightly. I know that like in my past, lives will be forever altered by my words, my actions, and my conduct.

Of all of the lessons I have learned in life I have learned that there is only one absolute. I AM NOT PERFECT. I will leave that up to God or The big bang or The big electron or whatever higher thing lies out there. I am simply a man who tries to live a good and decent life. A man who tries to evoke the best in all of those that surround me. A man who is a realist but, believes that it is possible to positively effect change.

This year the acceptance rate for the NYCTF will likely fall into the 10-12% rate. I send my sincere congratulations to those who will soon be my colleagues. I look forward to making the journey with you all.

I feel it important to address my friends in the 90%. You all have my admiration and I know each of you will find success. My advice to you all is to be angry/sad/upset for 24 hours. Thereafter, cowboy(girl) up and find your next battle. Focusing on the negatives will only hinder your ability to work for the positives. You are all public servants at heart and should use each of he 24 hours you are given to create your own reality.

I know some may take a level of umbrage at my advice and that fact is fine with me. The advice really stems from a mission in Iraq where several of my soldiers were killed. We were given 24 hours to run the emotional spectrum and then we were back into the fight. Nobody can change yesterday but, we can each change our today and our tomorrow.

I am excited about the coming days, weeks, and months. I am happy to have been afforded this outstanding opportunity in the city I love. I know the journey towards success will be long and the tasks often challenging but, the end result will be a better me.

I welcome you all to this blog and will do my best (each posting) to express the realities of the New York City Teaching Fellows Program and Classroom Teaching as I perceive them. So, follow me and lets drive forward towards the big win.


  1. good luck! i'm sure your experience will serve you very well in the classroom. i look forward to reading your blog.

    signed, a first year fellow with only 2 months left til june!

  2. Hi, I am also an accepted fellow! What day did you interview, by the way? I had an Iraq veteran in my group and I was wondering if that was you or someone else.

  3. I am a June 2009 NYC Fellow as well. Looking forward to your insight..

  4. Another new fellow here as well! Look forward to reading about your experiences as we all venture forward together.
