Monday, May 4, 2009

April showers bring May...Interviews

I have spent the last week completing my remaining tasks at my former law firm... My final billable hour has been logged and I am going to enjoy the roughly 45 day break until the commencement of the fellows program. I look at this time as the calm before the proverbial storm. The hurricane flags will be raised soon my friends so be ready.

My proactive approach to the job search has yielded rather positive results. I have been able to secure 15 interviews throughout the city before June 15th. To say that I am pleasantly surprised is an understatement. I was thinking that I may only secure maybe 2 or 3 interviews before June. I am not saying that I would expect an offer of employment on the spot but, I am glad that I am afforded the opportunity to potentially have a choice of schools. I am a rather huge proponent of choice and selection.

I believe that a good fit between candidate and school is of tremendous importance. Professional development is tremendously curtailed when you are not happy in your situation. Nobody wins when you go to work and dread or despise the very environment you are supposed to love.

I have completed the Special Education online course and the previous comments I have made on the subject remain my
position....It was full of great information. It was poorly written (in a technical sense) and the overt passive nature of the writing made reading and following the author(s) a painful experience.

The multiple choice questions were appropriate for the format but, I could have done without the essays. Essays like the ones compelled during the course have their place. That place is not on an impersonal online course. My gut tells me that we will all be writing similar if not identical writings throughout the summer. Redundant work is a waste of everybody's time and energy. In my opinion, redundancy of tasks (in our particular situation) do not foster learning but creates frustration and anger.

The web seminar was alright. For the most part it was a rehash of information easily obtained on the NYCTF web site and in the Special Education Online Course. The main benefit came from an explanation of forms that will be required to be filled out during the course of the observation.

This week I have one interview and will be participating in the Special Education observation program. I will take some time to digest the entire program so I figure my next post will be on Friday May 8th.

Until next time my friends be well and start making contacts with schools. Be the lead dog and not a follower!



  1. Wow, 15 interviews! That's awesome! I've given out about 20 resumes and have made some contacts that are interested in me, but haven't actually set interview dates yet. I'm sure that will come, but for now I'm proud of my networking skills. Congrats, and see you at the Harbor School!

  2. Oh, how I wish I could join you guys at the upcoming observation. I will participate in the observation after I've moved to NYC in June. I think it's scheduled for June 10-11.

    And congrats on the 15 interviews. My. To hear the NYCTF staff talk, one would question whether there were actually 15 vacancies.

    I got a call from a school that I don't believe was looking for a special ed teacher. This intrigued me. I liked the principal, but she was hoping to schedule an in person interview ASAP. Hm. At that point I was in I-10, driving between Houston and Beaumont.

    Good luck, and please post your reflections on the experiences.

  3. Wow...did you guys read the letter today? Such fun.

  4. Here is an article from the NY Times hot off the press entitled, "In New York City, new teachers need not apply."

    Better line up those interviews!
